
Showing posts from April 4, 2009
she by 費翔 She may be the face I can't forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song that summer sings May be the chill that autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day She May be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dreams A smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell She who always seems so happy in a crowd  Whose eyes can be so private and so proud  No one's allowed to see them when they cry  She may be the love that cannot hope to last   May come to me from shadows of the past  That I'll remember till the day I die She  May be the reason I survive  The why and wherefore I'm alive  The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years  Me I'll take her laughter and her tears  And make them all my souvenirs  For where she goes I've got to be  The m...


  大日如来(Mahavairocana),在汉译中,又有摩诃毗卢遮那、毗卢遮那、遍一切处、光明遍照等名号,是密教最根本的本尊,在金刚界与胎藏界两部密教******中,都是法身如来,是法界体性自身,是实相所现的根本佛陀。  在华严宗毗卢遮那为莲华藏世界的教主,也是包含十方诸佛,显示超越形相之佛法自身的法身佛。法相宗以此为释迦牟尼佛的自性身。天台宗以此为释迦牟尼佛的法身。   大日如来是密教将宇宙实相佛格化,而成的根本佛,也是一切诸佛菩萨的本地及普门示现的根本总德。  密教将之奉为真言密教的教主,译之为大日如来,或称摩诃毗卢遮那,以之为金刚界与胎藏界曼荼罗的中心本尊。   在胎藏界的五方佛,乃以大日如来为中心,另外则是开敷华王如来、无量寿如来(阿弥陀佛)、天鼓雷音如来及宝幢如来等四位佛陀。  密教认为大日如来不只是本尊,也是密教教理的核心。由于如来智慧光明遍照一切处,能使无边法界普放光明,而开启众生本具的佛性、善根,成办世出世间之事业,因此以大日作为名号。    ⊙大日如来手印(一)——智拳印 此为金刚界大日如来之手印。以双手各作金刚拳,左手食指直竖,以右手的小指缠握住左手食指的第一节,而左手食指端支拄著右拇指的第一节。此印含理智不二、生佛一如、迷悟一体等深义;又左手表众生的五大身,右手为五智五佛的宾冠,将宾冠戴于众生之形状,称之为大智拳印,又称为“菩提最上契”、“菩提引导第一智印”、“能灭无明黑暗印”、“金刚拳印”、 “大日法界印”等。其中金刚界一印会大日如来之结印,为独一法身之印。 [真言]  唵 嚩日囉驮都  鑁  om vajra-dhatu vam   ⊙大日如来手印(三)——金刚界自在印   此印为金刚界大日如来于三昧耶会之手印,金刚外缚,竖二中指相柱上节屈如剑形,二食指伸付二中指背。   [真言]  缚日囉惹拏喃 婀    vajra-jnana ah

Guru Rinpoche Mantra

Precious guru, embodiment of all Buddha’s of the three times; Great bliss, the lord of all accomplishments; Wrathful power, who dispels all hindrances and subdues demons; Pray bestow your blessings. Please remove the outer, inner, and secret obstacles and grant your blessings to accomplish wishes spontaneously. Du sum sang gyay guru rinpoche Ngo drup kun dak de wa chhen poi zhap Bar chhad kun sel dud dul drak po tsal Sol wa deb so jyin gyiy lap tu sol Chhyi nang sang wai bar chhad zhi wa dang Sam pa lhun gyi drup par jyin gyi lob OM AH HUM BENDZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG


Om bendza sato samaya - manu palaya – bendza sato tenopa – tiktra drido mebhawa - suto khayo mebhawa - suto khayo mebhawa - anu rakto mebhawa - sarwa siddhi mem traya tsar - sarwa karma su tsa may – tsi tam shriya kuru hung - ha ha ha ha ho - bhagawan - sarwa tata gata - benza ma me mun tsa – benzi bahwa - maha samaya sato ah ……..*28times The most excellent exclamation of praise Vajrasattva’s samaya. Oh Vajrasattva, protect the samaya may you remain frim in me grant me complete satisfaction grow with me –increase the positive within me - be loving towards me grant me all the siddhis show me all the karma – activities - make my mind good, virtuous and auspicious the heart essence seed syllable of Vajrasattva Symbolizes the four immeasurable, the four empowerment, the four joys, and the four kayas. The exclamation of joy at this accomplishment Oh all the blessed Tathagatas may I be fully liberated in the Vajara grant me the realization of the Vajra nature Oh great samya sattva Ah OM BENZ...