
Too Good

Once again I will be conducting a vegetarian cooking class at our centre. Please call Brother Alec Chia @ 91066667 or email to for enquiries. Dates: 21 Jun, 26 Jul and 2 Aug 2009 (Sun) Time: 3 pm ~ 5.00 pmFee: $20 per lesson or $50 for 3 lessons

Repaying the kindness of my mother

OM MANI PADME HUMI prostrate to the Noble Master Chenrezig! OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH There is nothing more profound than this to be said: Dear mother, you protected me lovingly when I was smallYou taught me with love and told me sweet words May I guide you on Chenrezig's path. OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH You fed me from your mouth and wiped my feces away with your handYou picked me up on your lap again and again -My kind mother wandering in the three samsaric realms, oh no! May I guide you on Chenrezig's path. OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH The end of birth is surely deathEven powerful humans don't have the slightest power to remain [forever] When departing alone, [only] the sacred dharma will [be of] benefit[My kind mothers] wandering in the three samsaric realms, oh no! May I guide you on Chenrezig's path. OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH The end of collecting is surely loss Even the greediest person will be unable to take anything alongWhen departing alone, only the sacred dharma will [be of...

The Practice of the Four Arm Chenrezig

Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara) - He Who Looks With An Unwavering Eye - is the embodiment of all the Buddhas' infinite compassion. He is a manifestation of the Buddha in the Sambhogakaya; and his mantra is considered the essence of the Buddha's compassion for all beings. There are many inner obstacles to our mental development, thus creating external obstacles. To obtain success in our Dharma practice, to actualize the path to enlightenment, we need to rely on a special deity or Buddha, for example, Chenrezig. Being the Buddha of great compassion, his mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG, represent the body, speech, and mind of all the Buddhas and noble Bodhisattvas, purifies the obscurations of body, speech, and mind and brings all beings to the state of realization. Our own faith and efforts in meditation and recitation creates the transformative power of the mantra thus purifying ourselves in this way. The six syllable mantra closes the gates leading to rebirth in the hell realm, hungry gho...
she by 費翔 She may be the face I can't forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song that summer sings May be the chill that autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day She May be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dreams A smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell She who always seems so happy in a crowd  Whose eyes can be so private and so proud  No one's allowed to see them when they cry  She may be the love that cannot hope to last   May come to me from shadows of the past  That I'll remember till the day I die She  May be the reason I survive  The why and wherefore I'm alive  The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years  Me I'll take her laughter and her tears  And make them all my souvenirs  For where she goes I've got to be  The m...


  大日如来(Mahavairocana),在汉译中,又有摩诃毗卢遮那、毗卢遮那、遍一切处、光明遍照等名号,是密教最根本的本尊,在金刚界与胎藏界两部密教******中,都是法身如来,是法界体性自身,是实相所现的根本佛陀。  在华严宗毗卢遮那为莲华藏世界的教主,也是包含十方诸佛,显示超越形相之佛法自身的法身佛。法相宗以此为释迦牟尼佛的自性身。天台宗以此为释迦牟尼佛的法身。   大日如来是密教将宇宙实相佛格化,而成的根本佛,也是一切诸佛菩萨的本地及普门示现的根本总德。  密教将之奉为真言密教的教主,译之为大日如来,或称摩诃毗卢遮那,以之为金刚界与胎藏界曼荼罗的中心本尊。   在胎藏界的五方佛,乃以大日如来为中心,另外则是开敷华王如来、无量寿如来(阿弥陀佛)、天鼓雷音如来及宝幢如来等四位佛陀。  密教认为大日如来不只是本尊,也是密教教理的核心。由于如来智慧光明遍照一切处,能使无边法界普放光明,而开启众生本具的佛性、善根,成办世出世间之事业,因此以大日作为名号。    ⊙大日如来手印(一)——智拳印 此为金刚界大日如来之手印。以双手各作金刚拳,左手食指直竖,以右手的小指缠握住左手食指的第一节,而左手食指端支拄著右拇指的第一节。此印含理智不二、生佛一如、迷悟一体等深义;又左手表众生的五大身,右手为五智五佛的宾冠,将宾冠戴于众生之形状,称之为大智拳印,又称为“菩提最上契”、“菩提引导第一智印”、“能灭无明黑暗印”、“金刚拳印”、 “大日法界印”等。其中金刚界一印会大日如来之结印,为独一法身之印。 [真言]  唵 嚩日囉驮都  鑁  om vajra-dhatu vam   ⊙大日如来手印(三)——金刚界自在印   此印为金刚界大日如来于三昧耶会之手印,金刚外缚,竖二中指相柱上节屈如剑形,二食指伸付二中指背。   [真言]  缚日囉惹拏喃 婀    vajra-jnana ah

Guru Rinpoche Mantra

Precious guru, embodiment of all Buddha’s of the three times; Great bliss, the lord of all accomplishments; Wrathful power, who dispels all hindrances and subdues demons; Pray bestow your blessings. Please remove the outer, inner, and secret obstacles and grant your blessings to accomplish wishes spontaneously. Du sum sang gyay guru rinpoche Ngo drup kun dak de wa chhen poi zhap Bar chhad kun sel dud dul drak po tsal Sol wa deb so jyin gyiy lap tu sol Chhyi nang sang wai bar chhad zhi wa dang Sam pa lhun gyi drup par jyin gyi lob OM AH HUM BENDZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG


Om bendza sato samaya - manu palaya – bendza sato tenopa – tiktra drido mebhawa - suto khayo mebhawa - suto khayo mebhawa - anu rakto mebhawa - sarwa siddhi mem traya tsar - sarwa karma su tsa may – tsi tam shriya kuru hung - ha ha ha ha ho - bhagawan - sarwa tata gata - benza ma me mun tsa – benzi bahwa - maha samaya sato ah ……..*28times The most excellent exclamation of praise Vajrasattva’s samaya. Oh Vajrasattva, protect the samaya may you remain frim in me grant me complete satisfaction grow with me –increase the positive within me - be loving towards me grant me all the siddhis show me all the karma – activities - make my mind good, virtuous and auspicious the heart essence seed syllable of Vajrasattva Symbolizes the four immeasurable, the four empowerment, the four joys, and the four kayas. The exclamation of joy at this accomplishment Oh all the blessed Tathagatas may I be fully liberated in the Vajara grant me the realization of the Vajra nature Oh great samya sattva Ah OM BENZ...


看有無財富之重點 ☆ 富命必論正、偏財的財星,乃天經地義之事; 所謂「身旺(本命元神旺度需在+1.0以上者)財旺,天下富翁;身弱財旺,富屋窮人」;又財星為養命之源,不論身之強弱,命局上必須有現財星方可言佳。 ☆ 唯身弱財星宜微弱,稍許一個即可;身旺財星則反宜旺多可以有2~3個正、偏財,身財兩停最佳。 ☆ 若八字命局中無財,雖身(為本命元神)弱者行大運是助身旺運,或身強者行弱身之運,亦發不了大財,命上無財星之源可引發之故耳。 ☆ 唯八字若見食神、傷官者,尚可做含財論。因食神、傷官者能生財星,是為財星的根源,亦稱為【財庫】。 ☆ 正財:表固定之財源收入。(詳見正財格之解說) ☆ 偏財:表投資、或投機,不定時之收入。(詳見偏財格之解說) ☆ 簡要結論:命盤中需要有正財、偏財、食神、傷官,四個其中一個或一個以上。而元神旺者,可以有多個,越多越有財富。 若元神弱者,最好只有一個,否則會變成雖然有財富,卻是多病痛、身體容易不健康。 二、看有無破財之重點 ☆ 劫財:表剋財、破財之主星。比肩:表剋財、破財之副星。 ☆ 正、偏印:表洩財之星。 ☆Y 命局中已有財星,此時最忌諱的就是【劫財】了!若同時也出現在命局中,表示雖然會有財富入,但也會有破財的時刻!尤其是劫財又緊跟著正、偏財,在財星的上下、左右者,可能破財的金額會很大,甚至一夕之間完全虧掉所有的錢財。 ☆ 命局中若無劫財,但是大運也已出現劫財,那也是會有破財的跡象,只是會稍微輕一點。 ☆ 最糟糕的是,命局中有劫財,又逢大運也有,那就要非常、特別的小心了! 【批論詳解】 如身旺有印,官星洩氣,四柱不見食傷,用神生官,若無食傷則財星淺,主妻美而財薄。 若身旺無印,官星弱而逢傷,得財星化仍生官,財亦通根,官亦得助,則不但妻美,而且富厚。 身旺官弱,食傷重見,財星不與官通,家雖富而妻必陋。若身旺無官,食傷有氣,財星不與劫連,無印而妻財並美,有印則財旺妻傷。 1. 財星在天干,地支下有根為食、傷,或臨長生之地,月柱內有偏財,但無劫財,無敗,為富。 2. 財星旺相,日主強,興家創業。 3. 日、時柱有財星及正、偏官,自己創業。 4. 印旺而有一財星,主家肥屋潤。月柱有財,主少年即可得富貴。 5. 多傷官,有財星,為財足之象。 6. 元神旺則忌印,而財能壞印,主富。 7. 財旺生官,而有官星衛財,為富。 8. 無財星,而暗成財局,為富。 9....

罗盘 风水术语

罗盘 风水术语——罗盘 罗盘是理气宗的操作工具,主要由位于盘中央的磁针和一系列同心圆圈组成,每一个圆圈都代表着中国古人对于宇宙大系统中某一个层次信息的理解。 中国古人认为,人的气场受宇宙的气场控制,人与宇宙和谐就是吉,人与宇宙不和谐就是凶。于是,他们凭着经验把宇宙中各个层次的信息,如天上的星宿、地上以五行为代表的万事万物、天干地支等,全部放在罗盘上。风水师则通过磁针的转动,寻找最适合特定人或特定事的方位或时间。 罗盘的发明和应用是人类对宇宙、社会和人生的奥秘不断探索的结果。罗盘上逐渐增多的圈层和日益复杂的指针系统,代表了人类不断积累的实践经验。当然,这些经验是否全面和正确还有待于进一步研究,但是罗盘上所标示的信息却蕴含了大量古老的中国智慧。 罗盘由三大部分组成: 一、天池:也叫海底, 亦就是指南针。 罗盘的天池由顶针、磁针、海底线、园柱形外盒、玻璃盖组成,固定在内盘中央。圆盒底面印中央有一个尖头的顶针,磁针的底面中央有一凹孔,磁针置放在顶针上。指南针有箭头的那端所指的方位是南,另一端指向北方。 天池的底面上(海底)绘有一条红线,称为海底线,在北端两侧有两个红点,使用时要使磁针的指北端与海底线重合。 现代罗盘的海底绘有十字线,十字线顶部分别印有东南西北,使用时应使磁针的指北端指向海底十字线的北端,并使磁针与海底的南北线重合。 二、内盘:就是紧邻指南针外面那个可以转动的圆盘。内盘面上印有许多同心的圆圈,一个圈就叫一层。各层划分为不同的等份,有的层格子多,有的层格子少,最少的只分成八格,格子最多的一层有三百八十四格。每个格子上印有不同的字符。罗盘有很多种类,层数有的多,有的少,最多的有五十二层,最少的只有五层。 罗盘的各种内容分别印刻在内盘的不同盘圈(层)上,是罗盘的主要构成部分。各派风水术都将本派的主要内容列入罗盘上,使中国的罗盘成了中国术数的大百科全书。 三、外盘 外盘为正方形,是内盘的托盘,在四边外侧中点各有一小孔,穿入红线成为天心十道,用于读取内盘盘面上的内容。天心十道要求相互垂直,刚买的新罗盘使用前都要对外盘进行校准才能使用。 指南针是测量地球表面的磁方位角的基本工具,广泛用于军事、航海、测绘、林业、勘探、建筑等各个领域。 罗盘实际上就是利用指南针定位原理用于测量地平方位的工具,罗盘在风水上用于格龙、消砂、纳水和确定建筑物的坐向。 二、罗盘的演变简史 在指南针...

His Holiness Penor Rinpoche has passed away !!

I am in shock. His Holiness Penor Rinpoche has passed away at approximately 3:30 PM Indian Standard Time on 27 March 2009 at Columbia Asia Hospital, Bangalore. He was the Third Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, the Eleventh Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage, and a former Supreme Head of the Nyingma School. "Earlier, at noon, he received offerings from many of the highest Nyingma Lamas, Tulkus and dignitaries who had assembled to pay homage to him. At 3:30 he left Columbia Asia Hospital with the Indian government providing a police escort. He reached Palyul Namdröling at 6:40 pm and remained on his bed in his residence. Tulkus, Khenpos and lamas did aspiration prayers together with His Holiness until 8:20 pm. Then he looked around, closed his eyes and went into meditation. Prayers continued for 5 minutes and then everyone remained in silence for the next two hours. His meditation continues today, and is expected to continue for a couple of days. When he releases his body from meditati...
According to recent estimates, nearly 1-in-3 American adults has high blood pressure. But for the Kuna Indians living on a group of islands off the Caribbean coast of Panama , hypertension doesn't even exist. In fact, after age 60, the average blood pressure for Kuna Indian islanders is a perfect 110/70. Is it because they eat less salt? No. Kuna Indians eat as much, if not more salt, than people in the U.S. Is it due to their genes? No. Kuna Indians who move away from the islands are just as likely to suffer from high blood pressure as anyone else! So what makes these folks practically "immune" to hypertension -- and lets them enjoy much lower death rates from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer? Harvard researchers were stunned to discover it's because they drink about 5 cups of cocoa each day. That's right, cocoa! Studies show the flavonols in cocoa stimulate your body's production of nitric oxide -- boosting blood flow to your heart, brain, and ot...
Hi. All, A friend sent this to me. It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... all before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners...God left us great clues as to what foods help what part of our body!God's Pharmacy! Amazing! A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes. A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.Grapeshang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food...

Prayers to Holy Tara

Green Tara "The Swift Liberator" is a well loved Yidam. Many countless Kalpas ago, Avalokiteshvara, the embodiment of the perfect compassion of all Buddhas, took up the mission to liberate all sentient beings, without exception, from all forms of suffering and dissatisfaction. Tara is commonly believed to manifest from the tears of Avalokiteshvara to fulfill his mission to liberate sentient beings. Since then, the noble Tara had manifested to 21 Taras to protect sentient beings from Samsaric suffering, particularly the 8 major and 16 minor fears. Buddha Shakyamuni introduced the teachings of Tara in the Sutra and Tantra, and specially emphasized "In praise of Tara", which was composed by Buddha Vairocana. Lord Buddha also mentioned that if one recites the "21 homages" two, three, or seven times, one would overcome all major and minor fears and be protected from all kinds of natural disasters and humanly created disasters. The original scared Text known as...


康熙帝的养生理念,既重视饮食起居,又重视弓马骑射,更重视修心养性。康熙帝的修心养性,主要包括: 修心养性方面做到六心:悦心、宽心、善心、专心、清心、敬心,这里介绍前四心。 (1)养心要悦心。康熙帝说:"朕用膳后,必谈好事,或寓目于所作珍玩器皿。如是则饮食易消,于身大有益也!" 作为帝王,也有衰老。衰老是必然的,只有善于对待。康熙帝晚年,牙齿不好。但是,他有自幼随朕近侍,时常以齿落身衰,行走不便,而在人前诉苦。这都是不明事理,不能顺其自然!他认为自己应顺其自然,胸襟从容,心情喜悦,于身有益。 (2)养心要宽心。康熙帝说认为"养身者但宽其心",就是说心要宽。他说:"天下未有过不去之事,忍耐一时便觉无事。……孔子曰:'小不忍,则乱大谋。'圣人之言,至理存焉。"就是说,小事要忍耐,忍过去,便无事。他年近花甲时,脸上鬍鬚变白了,有人劝他用"乌鬚药",他说:"从古以来,有几个白鬚皇帝?我若能鬚髮皓然,岂不为万世之美谈乎?"康熙帝确实是一位乐天知命的人。 (3)养心要善心。康熙帝养性,讲一个故事。他说:"凡人平日,必当涵养此心。朕昔足痛之时,转身艰难,足欲稍动,必赖两傍侍御人那移,少著手即不胜其痛,虽至于如此,朕但念自罹之灾,与左右近侍,谈笑自若,并无一毫躁性生忿,以至于苛责人也。二阿哥在德州病时,朕一日视之,正值其含怒与近侍之人生忿,朕宽解之曰:我等为人上者,罹疾却有许多人扶持任使,心犹不足,如彼内监或是穷人一遇疾病,谁为任使?虽有气忿,向谁出耶?彼时左右侍立之人,听朕斯言,无有不流涕者。凡此等处,汝等宜切记于心。"要换位思考,应体谅他人。 (4)养心要专心。康熙帝说:"天道好生,人一心行善,则福履自至。"他认为书法绘画能养生。他说:"人果专心于一艺一技,则心不外驰,于身有益。朕所及明季人,与我国之耆旧,善于书法者,俱寿考而身强健。复有能画汉人,或造器物匠役,其巧绝于人者,皆寿至七八十,身体强健,画作如常。由是观之,凡人之心志有所专,即是养身之道。"一个人,如心志专一,有益于健康。他所亲见明末清初的老年人中,擅长书画,或有专长,寿数七八十岁,身体还很强健 。